SNR is excited to offer state-of-the-art high-definition videostroboscopy voice evaluations to northeastern Oklahoma! Our speech pathologists work closely with several local otolaryngologists (ENTs) to assess the physiology of the vocal folds, or vocal cords, and treat a variety of voice impairments including vocal nodules, vocal polyps, granulomas, muscle tension dysphonia, laryngitis/chronic cough, etc.
A videostroboscopy voice evaluation involves pairing a strobe light with a rigid oral scope (or sometimes a flexible nasal endoscope in certain situations) to view the vocal folds in slow motion. Without the strobe light paired, a typical endoscope does not allow for viewing the vocal folds in motion due to their speed being too rapid for the eye to observe effectively. Stroboscopy allows the speech pathologist to fully assess vocal fold closure, tension, or other impairments of physiology.
During the assessment, the speech pathologist will ask you to make various sounds and pitches to view the vocal folds in various positions. If you're a singer, you will be asked to sing during the evaluation.
SNR will communicate closely with your ENT (or make a referral for you if needed) to relay any concerning anatomical findings to them for further assessment and to discuss candidacy for other medical intervention options (surgery, injections, etc.) when needed.
Often, both a pre- and post-treatment assessment will be recommended to objectively measure progress with any implemented treatment approaches (e.g., vocal exercises to bulk up the vocal folds and help them make better contact, vocal hygiene and relaxation techniques to reduce tension, etc.).